Sustainable Tranportation Policy Lab

As the world’s population increases and its resources remain constant, the need for more sustainable and integrative planning processes as a way of dealing with the complexity of urban mobility has been widely recognised.

Dealing with Sustainable Transport which is defined as ‘a travel through safe, affordable, accessible, environmentally friendly and integrated transport modes’; Sustainable Transport Lab is an independent research and develop center dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. Its research can help people to:


  • Identify innovative & better solutionsto transportation problems,
  • Identify the full benefits, costs and impactsof alternative transportation policies and programs,
  • Compare and evaluate alternatives,
  • Create a bridgebetween theory and practice.


The activity of the Sustainable Transport Lab can be summarized as follows:

Researching, identifying and communicating innovative & better solutions to transportation problems;

Improving the quality and availability of datas and statistics for urban transport systems operations and decision-making at local, regional and national level;

Supporting local authorities in developing, implementing and testing new urban mobility approaches under real-life conditions.