Smart City Kosova

By involving 5 universities from 5 different countries (University for Business and Technology – Kosova, TU Wien-Austria, ETH Zurich-Switzerland, HafenCity Universitat-Germany and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University-Turkey) with more than 20 experts/professionals from academia and other experts/professionals from partner institutions and industry, Smart City Kosova project aims to prepare a National Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Urban Development, as well as to prepare and communicate Overall Smart City Strategies for 7 Kosovo cities, providing them with innovative approaches towards local problems and helping them to promote and generate a sustainable urban development.

Prishtina, Prizren, Ferizaj, Peja, Gjilan, Vushtrria and Lipjan Municipalicies, which all together constitute more than 30 % of Kosovo’s territory and 45 % of Kosovo’s population,  will be targeted by this project. All of these 7 cities will be treated in paralel.

With its technological and non-technological dimensions, Smart City initiative can help overcome the limitations of traditional urban development that tends to manage urban infrastructure systems in silos. By using digital technologies, such as Open Data, they help connect different city stakeholders, improve citizen involvement, offer new and enhance existing services, and provide context-aware views on city operations. Smart City development is, however, highly complex, challenging and context-specific.

Smart City Kosova.pdf